Neck pain and upper back pain is an increasing problem affecting at least two thirds of the population at some point in their lives. As we continue to use computers in one form or another in both our working lives and free time we place more and more stress on our upper body .This can cause postural problems and muscle tension in the neck, which may give rise to abnormal nerve function and pain. This pain may present as dull aching across the base of the neck or more intensely as pain in the arm with pins and needles or headache . Chiropractic treatment will identify the joints and muscle groups involved in causing the pain and specific treatment will help to restore normal function.
The shoulder is a joint with the largest range of movement in the body and very little actual joint surface. As a consequence it is very vulnerable, the soft tissues and muscles are prone to injury through both over and misuse. Following a detailed examination specific chiropractic manipulation, massage and active rehabilitation of the muscles and other soft tissues will help to restore normal movement to your neck and shoulders and relieve the pressure on the nerves in your cervical spine.
Nearly all of us will experience low back pain at some point or another. Unfortunately for some of us it can be long lasting and debilitating. Chiropractors are trained to assess the spine for function and abnormal movement both in the spine itself and the surrounding soft tissue. Treatment is to restore function and rehabilitate the joint and soft tissue .
Chiropractic manipulation has been recognised as highly effective in treating back pain, and the Royal College of General Practitioners issued guidelines for GPs in 1996 which recommended manipulation within six weeks of onset for the relief of acute low back pain.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) also published guidelines in 2009 to improve the early management of persistent non-specific low-back pain. The guidelines assessed the effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of available treatments and one recommendation was to offer a course of manual therapy, including spinal manipulation, spinal mobilisation and massage.
The athlete and the more inactive human share one thing – the same anatomy. Chiropractors are thoroughly trained in human anatomy. Whether or not you run once a week for fun, or competitively, we are able to advise on pre and post training . We have over the years treated elite footballers, golfers and runners assessing the underlying causes for repeat injury and devising strategies and treatment plans to maintain a high level of competition.